
Directions: Answer one of the two questions for each of the following six sets of questions. and post 3-4 lines of a response

  • 1. Compare and contrast what happens after Jesus dies on the cross in Mark and Matthew.
  • 2. What is Jesus’ attitude towards the Mosaic Law as presented by Matthew (Mt. 5)? Why is this significant?
  • 1. Contrast Mark 6:4 and Luke 4:24. Why is the lack of honor by the family eliminated by Luke?
  • 2. Contrast Mark 14:3-9 and Luke 7:36-50. Is there any Lukan element highlighted by the contrast?
  • 1. The first chapter of Genesis has God creating by speaking (e.g., “Let there be light,” etc.). What meaning does this add to the use of the language of “Word” in John 1?
  • 2. Why do you think Jesus in John’s Gospel is not baptized by John the Baptist as he is in Mark’s Gospel, but instead is presented as an executive in charge of baptizing (Jn. 1:32-34; 3:22-23; 4:1-3)?
  • 1. When Paul speaks of meeting the Lord in the clouds, how might he have expressed his thought had he flown in an airplane and looked down on the clouds?
  • 2. In 1 Corinthians, what understanding of Jesus or Christian symbol does Paul use to attack worldly wisdom?
  • 1. What do you think Paul is trying to accomplish by talking about the example of Christ who emptied himself in Philippians 2?
  • 2. How does Paul’s description of himself as a true apostle relate to his request for money for the poor from the Corinthians?
  • 1. In Romans, how does Paul rationalize the lack of receptivity of many Jews to his preaching in Chapters 9-11?
  • 2. How can Paul include “self-control” (Gal. 5:23) as expressive of freedom and the Spirit? Isn’t self-control the opposite of freedom?
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