
Hi i have a C language programming project for my computer science class that I am having difficulty with. This is a continuation of my previous code that I made so I will provide the code I have and what needs to be done is add another option into the code. I will attach a sample execution where when the user picks number 4 so they can play a game of bingo. The IDE I currently use is Dev C++. If there are any questions or anything confusing please let me know as I need this code done asap! thank you

For this project this is what my instructor told us.

Create a program that will:

  • do everything from program 2 (create bingo cards), if you didn’t get this working just right go see TAs/professor As Soon As Possible
  • Add an option 4 to your menu for Play Bingo
    • read in a bingo call (e,g, B6, I17, G57, G65)
    • checks to see if the bingo call read in is valid (i.e., G65 is not valid)
    • marks all the boards that have the bingo call
    • checks to see if there is a winner, for our purposes winning means
      • 5 tokens in a row or column
      • 5 tokens in a diagonal
      • 1 token in each of the 4 corners of the game board
    • Loop accepting bingo calls until there is a winner, and display an appropriate message specifying which user won, print their bingo card, and how they won (5 in a row with calls B6, I20, …; 5 in a column with calls …; 5 on a diagonal with calls … ; 4 corners with calls …)


35 points style per @10 (We will be looking for functions now. So having a function to check for a winner, or initialize the board or, ….)

20 points checking for winner code, we expect to see multiple functions here, 1 function that checks for each way of winning (row, col, diag, 4 corners)

10 points checks for valid bingo calls

10 points appropriate message for winner displayed

10 points game play works until winner is found

5 points recording which calls were received,

10 points marking the boards with the calls that have been received

This is my current code right now.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

int getRandomNumber(int max, int min)


return min + (rand() % (max – min + 1));


int maxCol(int Col)


return ((Col + 1) * 15);


int minCol(int Col)


return ((Col * 15) + 1);


void bingoCard(int cards[5][10][5][5], int Players, int Cards)


int i; // i and j are used for the for loops

int j;

printf(” B I N G On”);

for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)


for(j = 0; j < 5; j++)


if(j == 2 && i == 2)


printf(” free “);




printf(” %2d “, cards[Players][Cards][i][j]);







int main()



int numofPlayers;

int numofCards;

int number;

int i;

int j;

int k;

int l;

int m;

int numofRows = 5;

int numCols = 5;

int bingoCards[5][10][5][5];

int count[75];

int Var = 0;

int Generator;

int pick = 1;

printf(“Enter number of players: “);

scanf(“%d”, &numofPlayers);

if(numofPlayers > 5)


printf(“Max players allowed are 5, please enter a number less than 5n”);

printf(“Enter number of players: “);

scanf(“%d”, &numofPlayers);


printf(“Enter the number of BINGO cards per player: “);

scanf(“%d”, &numofCards);

if(numofCards > 10)


printf(“Max number of cards are 10, please enter a number less than 10n”);

printf(“Enter the number of BINGO cards per player: “);

scanf(“%d”, &numofCards);


printf(“You are playing a game with %d players and each player will have %d cardsn”, numofPlayers, numofCards);

printf(“We have generated %d bingo cards.n”, (numofPlayers * numofCards)); // This will do the math for how many people are playing and how many cards will be used.

for(i = 0; i < numofPlayers; i++)

for(j = 0; j < numofCards; j++)


for(k = 0; k < numCols; k++)


for(l = 0; l < numofRows; l++)




number = getRandomNumber(minCol(k), maxCol(k));

Var = 0;

for(m = 0; m < l; ++m)


if(bingoCards[i][j][m][k] == number)


Var = 1;



if(Var == 0)





bingoCards[i][j][l][k] = number;





for(i = 0; i < 75; ++i)


count[i] = 0;


for(i = 0; i < numofPlayers; i++)


for(j = 0; j < numofCards; j++)


for(k = 0; k < numofRows; k++)


for(l = 0; l < numCols; l++)


if(!(k == 2 && l == 2))


count[bingoCards[i][j][k][l] – 1]++;








printf(“Please choose an option from the following menu:n”);

printf(“1) Display a bingo cardn”);

printf(“2) Run a histogram across all bingo cards generatedn”); //Display menu options for the user

printf(“3) Exitn”);

printf(“You have chosen “);

scanf(“%d”, &i);



case 1:

printf(“Enter the player and players card you would like to display,n”);

printf(“First player is 1, last player is %dn”, numofPlayers);

printf(“First card is 1, last card is %dn”, numofCards);

scanf(“%d %d”, &j, &k);

bingoCard(bingoCards, (j – 1), (k – 1));


case 2:

for(j = 0; j < 75; ++j)


Generator = (rand() % 25) + 1;

if(j < 10)


printf(“%d”, j + 1);




printf(“%d”, j + 1);


if(j < 10 && Generator < 10)


printf(“-%d “, Generator);


else if(j < 10 && Generator >= 10)


printf(“-%d “, Generator);




printf(“-%d “, Generator);


if(j % 10 == 9)







case 3:


return 0;


printf(“Invalid choice, try again.n”);




return 0;

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