
Please respond the following assignment in the Dialogue area of Blackboard:

Post a message that explains and discusses why understanding technology, especially in the areas of security and ethics, is important for a CEO. Support your post with at least two peer-reviewed scholarly journal references.

In addition, describe the role of ethics in technology from a biblical worldview. Show scriptural support for your claims where appropriate.

Reply to two students and use your research to add to or challenge the findings of your peers. Support your responses with at least one peer-reviewed scholarly journal reference.

200-300 words in APA format with correct citing and references.

Above is the original post question that way you have an idea of what it’s about. Below is one of my classmates post that I need to respond to:

In the sector of technology Baltzan (2017) articulates that information ethics govern the ethical and moral concerns arising from the progress and usage of information technologies (p. 71). As well Baltzan elucidates that protecting customers’ privacy is among the largest ethical issues that organizations face today. Because of the laws and regulations that are put into place today to protect the collection, duplication, processing, and distributions of consumers, employees, and organizational information, it is critical that the CEO have knowledge and understanding of technology in the area of both ethics and security. Ethics is foundational when establishing, developing, and retaining a productive relationship because it brings respect and trust to the forefront of any relationship. Baltzan notes that trust among companies, customers, partners, as well as suppliers is the support structure of e-business (p. 71).

Another reason it is critical for the CEO to have knowledge and understanding of ethics concerning information technology is the IT hardware, as well as software have become natural products of the cultures of the societies they are developed in. Because of this there is the possibility that the ethical standards of one culture may affect viewers of other cultures (domestic and international trade) in unexpected and sometimes negative ways (Lindsay, 2008). Having a baseline understanding of the variety of cultures in which the organization inner acts with allows the CEO to ensure the proper ethics are in place to secure the privacy and protection of its employees, customers, partners, suppliers, and other organizations that the organization communicates with.

Security is a crucial commodity in information technology and has the potential to grow or destroy a business. Understanding this alone is enough reason for a CEO to have the knowledge and understanding of the security that surrounds the organization’s information technology. As stated by Baltzan, information security is a comprehensive term covering the protection of an organization’s information from accidental or deliberate misuse by person/s in or outside of the organization (p. 74). Moreover, it is essential that the CEO understand the organization’s security when it comes to the organization’s information because it is considered the most fundamental and critical of all the technologies an organization must have in place to implement its business strategies (Baltzan, p. 74). As a CEO, understanding that the root of security issues that many organizations face are not the lack of security technologies, but more so neglecting to address fundamentals and allowing commercial security industries to dictate priorities (Stewart, 2005).

“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 7:12 ESV). At some point in people’s lives people tend to search the corridors of their own moral principles and the practical implications of such principles. Whether in social, political, religious, or professional perceptions, as humans, we have individual ideologies concerning what principles people should have or by which moral standards people can be justified. As Christians, ethics identify who we are and whose we are. As stated by Baltzan, “Information does not have ethics: people do.”


Baltzan, P. (2018). Business Driven Technology (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Lindsay, Roger. (2008). Information Technology Ethics by Hongladarom, Soraj & Ess, Charles.

British journal of educational technology. Hershey, PA: 39(6). pp. 1137-1138.

Stewart, Andrew. Information Security Technologies as a Commodity. Bradford, UK: Emerald

Group Publishing Limited. 13(1). pp.1-15.

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