There are two parts the second question will be attached. Considering the dimensions of wellness indicators (table 5.1), where do you fall on the continuum now compared to in the past? Stress is part of life. How can you make stress more positive? What me
There are two parts the second question will be attached. Considering the dimensions of wellness indicators (table 5.1), where do you fall on the continuum now compared to in the past? Stress is part of life. How can you make stress more positive? What methods do you use to manage stress? Discuss whether or not physical activity can treat depression, anxiety, stress and mental health in general, as an alternative to the use of drugs to do so. Reference the text as well as personal experience (if you are able) to support or dispute your conclusions How are time and intensity inversely related to an aerobic exercise program? Where do you see yourself finding the most enjoyment in your exercise program (longer time but lower intensity or shorter time but higher intensity)? Explain why is the enjoyment aspect of the FITTE approach so important? example of the answered question Consider the dimensions of wellness indicators(table 5.1), where do you fall on continuum now compared to in the past? Physical – Present Fit Emotional – Present Content Social – Present Connected Intellectual – Present Aware Spiritual – Present Secure Stress is part of life. How can you make stress more positive? You can make stress positive by using it as motivation to achieve whatever you are working on. What methods do you use to manage stress? I will plan my schedule, I use deep-breathing exercise, I will stay active, continue to try eating right, and communicate my feelings instead of letting them build up. Discuss whether or not Physical activity can treat depression, anxiety, stress, and mental health in general, as an alternative to the use of drugs to do so. Physical activity can assist with depression, anxiety, stress, and mental health. Drugs that are designed for medicinal use and prescription drugs can create extra problems. Physical activity will assist in helping you deal with the other situations that keep you from not feeling good, physical activity assist in clearing your mind and, assist in keeping your body balance. How are time and intensity inversely related to an aerobic exercise program? Because intrinsic motivation in your aerobic exercise program, it gives you enjoyment, fulfillment, and mastery. Where do you see yourself finding the most enjoyment in your exercise program? I find myself at a longer time, but lower intensity. Explain why is the enjoyment aspect of the FITTE approach so important? The FITTE approach is important because it’s a freeway analogy. Frequency refers to the number of days per week in which you set aside time to exercise. Intensity reflects how hard you are working when exercising. Time refers to the duration you are active on a daily or weekly basis. And types or exercise mode. Enjoyment of what you are doing.With this approach, you have created a good sound approach to a good fitness approach.