Biography Paper
For your biography paper, you will author a biography of a Supreme Court justice focusing on that justice’s career before the justice took his or her seat on the Supreme Court. You will be expected to integrate and connect the course readings throughout, which means you should be prepared to discuss how the course material is consistent with (or not) your justice’s experiences. Your paper must be 8-10 pages in length (not including title page, references, tables or figures), include a title page, 12 point Times New Roman font, standard margins (1†top-bottom, 1†left- right), double spaced, all figures and tables moved to the end of the paper after the references, include page numbers and must cite all references in CMS format. Failure to properly cite material will be deemed to be plagiarism and you will receive a zero for the assignment. Please see the following resource for any questions about CMS format:…
Also see the following resource for differences between MLA, APA, and CMS:…
Papers that do not meet all of the formatting requirements will not be accepted. Papers are due at the beginning of class (within 5 minutes of class starting). Late papers will not be accepted unless accompanied with a documented medical excuse, which the instructor reserves the right to accept or not. Papers that do not meet all of the formatting requirements will not be accepted.
It will consist of three main parts:
1. Introduction and Background: You will introduce your justice, providing information on the justice’s background before joining the Supreme Court. When and where was the justice born and what did his or her parents do for a living? Where did the justice attend college and law school? Did the justice play any prominent roles during his or her college law school career? Where was the justice employed before joining the Court? Did the justice engage in any particularly salient litigation before joining the Court, as an attorney or judge?
2. Nomination: You will discuss the president’s nomination of the justice to the Supreme Court. When was the justice nominated and by which president? Which sitting justice was the nominee appointed to replace? Why did the president nominate this individual? When addressing the last question, you should focus on: (1) whether the justice’s ideology matched that of the president who nominated the justice; (2) the justice’s qualifications for sitting on the Supreme Court (including his or her rating from the American Bar Association); (3) whether the justice had a personal relationship with the president before the nomination; (4) whether the president used the nomination to build political support for his administration.
3. Confirmation: You will discuss the events that surrounded the justice’s confirmation in the U.S. Senate. What was the political environment surrounding the justice’s confirmation? Which party was in control of the senate? Was this a period of unified or divided government? How popular was the president at the time of the nomination? What issues were raised at the justice’s confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee? What interest groups supported or opposed the nomination? How did the Senate Judiciary Committee and full senate vote on the confirmation? When did the justice take his or her seat on the Court?
Required Texts: Carp, Robert A., Ronald Stidham, Kenneth L. Manning, and Lisa M. Holmes. 2017. Judicial Process in America, 10th Edition. Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press.
I attacked a list of justices that you must choose from.
please no plagiarism
Schedule: this is for the reading part
August 29
First Day of Class
August 31
Carp et al – Ch. 1
September 5 & 7
Carp et al – Ch. 2
Chutkow – Jurisdiction Stripping (Blackboard)
September 12 Carp et al – Ch. 3
September 14 Carp et al – Ch. 4
September 19 Carp et al – Ch. 5
September 21
Carp et al – Ch. 6
Kozinski – So You Want to be a Federal Judge by 35? (Blackboard)
September 26
Barton – An Empirical Study of Supreme Court Justice Pre-Appointment Experience (Blackboard)
September 28
Black and Owens – Courting the President (Blackboard)
October 3
Farganis and Wedeking – No Hints, No Forecasts, No Previews (Blackboard)
October 5
Smelcer et al – Bias and the Bar (Blackboard) Scherer et al – Sounding the Fire Alarm (Blackboard)
October 10
Carp et al – Ch. 7
October 12
Carp et al – Ch. 8
October 17
Caldeira and Wright – Organized Interests and Agenda Setting in the U.S. Supreme Court (Blackboard)
Caldeira and Wright – Amici Curiae Before the Supreme Court (Blackboard)
Biography Paper Due