You need to develop a Book/Report that can be used to prepare Ex-Pats for the country lebanon.
These Ex-Pats will be interested in Foreign Direct Investment in Lebanon. Including the research you need to develop a portfolio of information that an expat could consider before accepting an appointment off shore. Your report should cover the following as a minimum:
Word Limit is 2500 words
- Introduction – 150 Words roughly
Must be persuasive, introduce the country and explain what is to be discussed within this report.
- Housing
- Cost of living
Tables, graphs and statistics can be added and refrenced and also placed within the appendix
- Schools and costs
- Educational standards
- Shopping
- Entertainment
- HR practices – minimum 200 words
10. Banking for expats
11. Culture
12. Opportunities for spousal employment
13. Industrial relations issues
14. Government restrictions
15. Visa requirements
16. COLA variation
17. Sport
18. Dress code
19.Discuss the positives and negatives in lebanon.
20. Why you should choose lebanon
21. Conclusion max 100 words
- Use numbering, and headlines make it easy to read
- Effective use of graphics,
- You need to include at least 5 current (last 5 years) references.