

Listed below are 10 benchmark jobs and their point values derived from an internal job evaluation of positions at Liberty Enterprises using the point method.

Job Job Points

Administrative Assistant 160
Technical Writer 315
Accountant 410
Information System Manager 930
Treasurer 850
Engineering Manager 900
Electrical Engineer 490
Human Resource Manager 525
Financial Analyst 430
Buyer 320

  • Use O*NET to identify the annual median market wage for each of the jobs.
  • Using Excel, SPSS, another statistical program, or calculation by hand, determine the equation to construct a wage line representing the relationship between job points and annual median market wage. Let “W” represent the median market wage and “P” represent the job points. The wage line will be of the form W = aP + b where “a” is the slope of the line and “b” is the constant (intercept).
  • Using a total point range of 0-1600, identify 8 wage grades of 200 points each. Label the wage grades W1, W2, etc., up to W8.
  • Identify the wage grades for the 10 jobs identified above. Then, slot the following 5 jobs based on their point value. For each of the 5 jobs, (1) identify the wage grade and (2) calculate the estimated median market wage using the wage line equation from part (b).

    Chief Financial Officer 1250
    Marketing Coordinator 270
    Field Sales Representative 650
    Nuclear Engineering Technician 375
    Foreman 450

  • Complete and submit the next page to fulfill your assignment.

[NOTE: O*NET annual median wages tend to be lower than those encountered in actual business organizations. For actual market pricing data from a purchased survey from a reputable consulting firm would be preferred. Such a survey will also reflect differences in industry, organizational size, location, etc.]


Submitted by:

  • Median Market Wages (from O*NET)
  • Wage Line Equation:
  • Job Slotting Results


Median Market Wage

Administrative Assistant

Technical Writer


Information Systems Manager


Engineering Manager

Electrical Engineer

Human Resource Manager

Financial Analyst



Wage Grade

Estimated Median Wage

Chief Financial Officer

Marketing Coordinator

Field Sales Representative

Nuclear Engr. Technician


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