
Implications of Technological Change

Technology is changing and improving at an unparalleled rate and the amount of available data has followed suit. The task of gleaning relevant information and presenting it in a user-friendly manner is getting even more complicated. The role of a manager in securing the best information possible can be critical to an organization’s success.

As you review your Resources your research in Library, and prepare to write your Discussion posting, contemplate the following. Note: You do not need to directly answer these points in your Discussion post as they serve only to begin your thinking process; however, you must explain your reasoning as you formulate your formal response.

  • Reflect on technological changes in the past five years. How have these changes impacted your professional life?
  • How does this rapid change in the world affect decision making?

Now answer and address one of the following:

  • What are the implications of being dependent on technology to gather information?
  • As a manager, how can you ensure that the information you are using is most appropriate and important to the decision-making process and recognize what data is superficial?
  • How can you feel confident about data, even amid uncertainty.


Chapter 13, “Promising Trends in Information Visualization”

Chapter 14, “Wisdom in the Age of Information”

Few, S. (2009). Now you see it: Simple visualization techniques for quantitative analysis. Oakland, CA: Analytics Press.

Csiszar, E. N. (2008). Managing risk and uncertainty. Business & Economic Review, 55(1), 3-7.
Retrieved from the Business Source Complete database.

Devlin, B. (2010). Beyond business intelligence. Business Intelligence Journal, 15(2), 7-16.
Retrieved from the Business Source Complete database.

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