The Final Project will be a fun and practical activity where you can apply what you are learning in the course to a select product and a target foreign market. Your task for the Final Project will be to plan a realistic new market launch (from introduction through stabilization of operations). “Launch” applies to your target market, where you want to sell your product. You are to select a product (not a service) – real or imagined that will be launched in a country other than the United States. Your product should NOT already be sold/distributed in your target market by your company ( the company can be real or made up for this assignment) and your company should NOT already be operating in your target market (i.e., do not select McDonald’s in France). Your product may be produced in the US, in your target market, or elsewhere. In this activity, you will be able to identify a topic of interest for your research project, which will be developed in different components throughout the course.
You will submit your Final Project in Module 8. By then, you will have already obtained approval for your Proposal (by the end of Module 4) and have completed the Outline (submit in Module 5). The Final Project will consist of your Business Plan and an Excel Spreadsheet of anticipated cash flows (expenses and income) with the resulting bottom line (profit or loss) for each year.
For the Final Project, you will be responsible for presenting your analysis and conclusions on the following:
Rationale for choosing your product.
Rationale for choosing your target market.
Rationale for choosing the country where your product will be made.
Strategy you will employ to launch your product.
Organizational structure you select to support the launch.
Sales and marketing aspects
Logistics aspects
Financial management considerations of the launch.
In the activity for this module, you will submit a brief discussion on your topic choice and the product selection. Remember, this is just your initial proposal. Provide two to three paragraphs including your topic selection, product, and target foreign market. You will also need to provide a short reference list (5 sources minimum) and at least 3 of the 5 sources need to be a scholarly source.
You will receive feedback and your instructor will approve your proposal by the end of Module 4.
Things to Remember!
Your proposal should be about 2-3 paragraphs (not including title page).
Format the proposal according to APA guidelines, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font, with one-inch margins.
Include a reference list.
Use the EC Library resources to properly cite your work:
- de Mooij, M., & Hofstede, G. (2010). The Hofstede model. International Journal Of Advertising, 29(1), 85-110. Retrieved from….
- Ho, F., Wang, H., & Vitell, S. (2012). A Global Analysis of Corporate Social Performance: The Effects of Cultural and Geographic Environments. Journal Of Business Ethics, 107(4), 423-433. doi:10.1007/s10551-011-1047-y. Retrieved from….
- Rothwell, W. J. (2012). 13 practical tips for training in other countries. T+D, 66(5), 38-42. Retrieved from:….
- Module Notes: The Influence of Culture on a Country’s Business Strategy