Share two resources from the module readings or from your SLP that you feel are most useful to your development as a culturally competence educator or educational leader. Discuss why you feel these resources are useful to you in your current or future role in an educational setting. Respond to three of your classmates’ postings.
This is the Background info.
Part III: Opening the Doors of Possibility: Strategies for Closing Achievement Gaps (p. 205 – 269)
Murphy, J. (2010). The Educator’s Handbook for Understanding and Closing Achievement Gaps. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin.
Chapter 4: Creating Inclusive Learning Communities (p. 79 – 103)
Chapter 5: Supporting Change in Course Design (p. 104 – 128)
D’Andrea, V., Gosling, D., & Society for Research into Higher, E. (2005). Improving Teaching and Learning: A Whole Institution Approach. Maidenhead, England: McGraw-Hill Education.
Chapter 9: Cultural Competence: Gauging and Achieving Impact
Nichols, E. J. (2013). Cultural Competence in America’s Schools : Leadership, Engagement and Understanding. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
Chapter 4: Meeting the Needs of Adult Learners
Peart, S. (2014). Equality and Diversity in Further Education. Nortwich: Critical Publishing.
Chapter 7: Influences of Diverse University Contexts on Students’ Ethnic Identity
Ortiz, A. M., & Santos, S. J. (2009). Ethnicity in College : Advancing Theory and Improving Diversity Practices on Campus. Sterling, Va: Stylus Publishing.
Chapter 17: Achieving Cultural Competence as a Practitioner, Student, or Faculty Member
Cooper, D. L., Howard-Hamilton, M. F., & Cuyjet, M. J. (2011). Multiculturalism on Campus: Theory, Models, and Practices for Understanding Diversity and Creating Inclusion. Sterling, Va: Stylus Publishing.