
  1. What is the definition of “denomination” in religion?
  2. According to the Ellwood text what is the difference between “sects” and cults”? (cite page number)

The following questions are related only to Mormonism – LDS (Latter Day Saints) from page 312 and please cite other sources:

  1. What are the myths of L. D.S.?
  2. What are the rituals of L. D.S.?
  3. What is sacred according to the LDS?
  4. What is the Ultimate Power of LDS?
  5. How does this religion answer Questions of Ultimate Concern? That is morality, meaning, and mortality?
  6. What is at least one “new” thing you discovered about Mormonism?
  7. Which of the following course definitions do you consider Mormonism: religion, denomination, sect, or cult?
  8. Why
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